Friday, January 11, 2008

LIFTing spirits?

Oy, am I tired.

I need to do something big soon. I did bake more cookies, though-- I took them to work to spread my philanthropic reach. They were well received... as in, gone within the hour. :)

Oh, and kind of weird this morning... I was waiting for a particularly slow elevator, and when I finally snagged one I saw a woman walking on her way over. Figuring it'd be a good chance for a small deed, I held the elevator... she saw me and did that sheepish half-run half-walk into the 'vator. What was weird was that she started gushing as soon as she was inside... about how no one ever holds the elevator, and people even push the "close doors" button, and how nice it was for me to wait the five seconds it took for her to get there.

I smiled and said that of course it was no problem, and I meant it... these are the little things that we think go unnoticed, but in reality they can really shake up your morning (or someone else's).

So anyway, just some small things that are getting me through the days. I need to make something bigger happen soon. Any ideas (that don't cost a fortune)?

1 comment:

luckeyfrog said...

There are some charity-sort of things that just involve writing letters. Adopt-a-grandparent sort of programs, or writing to the troops, or things like that could be pretty cheap ways to make someone's day brighter. :) Just an idea!

There are also a lot of charity events that need staff. They might be raising money or asking for donations, but donating time can also be really great. As for a particular suggestion... when it comes around to holiday time again, volunteer to ring the bells somewhere for the Salvation Army. It's not bad to do, especially with friends, and especially if you do something to pass the time (like singing Christmas carols!).