Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Here, have some pants!

Alright, some stuff's going down.

First off, Bradley and I became members of our church on Sunday! Maybe that doesn't strike you as relevant, but it's part of this project. Now comes the donation of time, talent and treasure to my beloved Heritage UU Church.

And today, I gave away some pants! There's some back story, so bear with me.

In early February, there's a big advertising party and the theme is Party in Your Pants. (Yeah yeah yeah.) Most people from my agency are going, and crazy pants are required. This weekend I went to the Salvation Army to find my crazy pants (mission accomplished), and I found another pair of pants that were too crazy to be ignored, but they weren't even close to fitting me.

Well I bought them anyway, and today I found a coworker who I thought might be able to fit into the pants. (They were too small for me, so it wasn't insulting to her, haha...) She tried them on and voila, a match made in heaven. She's excited to have crazy pants (I'll take pictures at the party... for now I'll just say there are fish involved), I'm happy that the pants have a home. Score one for the YoP!

Also, just shopping at the Salvation Army counts, in my opinion. Patronizing thrift stores is something I already love to do, but I'm counting it as philanthropy also, what with it being a good cause and all. (Although lately I've been hearing bad things about the SA-- are they really anti-gay? Maybe I'll Goodwill it up next time.)

Oh! And! WVXU (my NPR member station) is having its fund drive right now. I'm way too strapped to donate much, but in exploring their site I found a form where they can contact me for volunteer opportunities (answering phones, data entry, etc) for their next pledge drive. That would be really fantastic... I hope I can work it into my schedule when it rolls around again! (And it feels like these things are every other week, sooooo...)

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