Friday, February 8, 2008

Letters of Appreciation

I'm getting frustrated because a) I feel too broke to make a difference, and b) I've been working long enough hours that I come straight home and go to sleep, and I go days without even thinking about my beloved project.

So tonight I decided to make a small stand. Two companies that I appreciate tonight are Bigg's (local grocery store) and Bic (in this instance, they make razors). So instead of letting that love go unknown, I wrote each of them letters of appreciation. That's philanthropy, isn't it? I'm posting the letters, just to have something of content on this blog, geez:

I always shop at Biggs, even though Meijer, Kroger, Walmart, Sam's Club and Aldi are usually closer to me. Last night, because I was at an attached Borders, I stopped into Kroger around 11-- everyone basically ignored me, and it was a very cold experience. Tonight, as just about midnight, I stopped in to Bigg's to pick up a few things. A dozen people were stocking the shelves, and three times I was stopped with offers of help. Once, a male employee offered me the cart he'd been using. Another man climbed down from his ladder to see if I was finding everything. A female employee moved from her step-stool so I could see what I was looking for. These were all within about ten-fifteen minutes, total. This is the kind of thing that keeps me going to Biggs, at all hours of the night, at all times of the week. I want you to know that the employees at the Eastgate branch are friendly and helpful-- not just in this instance, but especially tonight. Thank you.

And the Bic letter:

Last week, Soleil was out of stock at my grocery store. Bummed, I picked up an equivalent disposable razor-- what's the difference? After using ONE of the razors ONE time, I drove out to another grocery store and found the Soleil. I will never take this product for granted again. Soleil is awesome, and if you care about your consumers at all, you will make sure that their local supermarkets are never, ever out of stock. Thank you. P.S. Thank you for the 2 bonus razors in this package. They didn't go unnoticed.

You know what's sad? Besides, maybe, my desire to write letters like this? Corporate sites rarely have a "sing our praises" section. One typically has to go through the questions/concerns/complaints form in order to compliment a company. I know it might seem tacky, but still... have some confidence.


Unknown said...

Yeah! I love when people write letters to companies!

Krystan said...

Just for future reference, because I have been ingrained with this knowledge since working at CP, the name of the store is "bigg's," not "Bigg's." Just FYI.

I really like to response you received. Most of the time, you don't get stuff like that back.