Friday, January 4, 2008

What do you want from me, blood?

I took a major step today!

My cell phone rang while I was at work. I checked the ID: Hoxworth. A chill ran up my spine. Whyyy? Because they call me three times a week! Argh!! Each time I get a message about how they are in critical need of 0-, which I believe... but still. Three times a week.

Well I almost ignored it before remembering that it's 2008. What is more philanthropic than giving blood? Seriously, that's a question that I want you to answer for me.

I answered and (after talking to a machine) told them that I was sorry-- I am way too busy at work to take the 1-2 hours it requires for me to get to the donation center, fill out the paperwork, give blood, recouperate, and walk back to work. I used to do it during my lunch period, but I hardly even have time to eat lately, let alone share my sweet sweet platelets.

I asked the lady if the donation center in Anderson-- far from work, but closer to home-- has any evening hours. Not only are they open until 7pm on many nights, but they also have Saturday times. Sooooo now I'm signed up to give blood... tomorrow.

Yeah, I don't mess around. ;) Reasons this is awesome:

1. My brother Ryan challenged me to give as much blood as I legally could during the year. I had already wanted to donate blood more... but that's stepping it up. And I think January 5th is a pretty good start.

2. Since it's on a Saturday, I'll have time to eat a gigantic meal beforehand-- I've skimped because I was busy at work before, and paid for it.

3. Since I'm doing this so early in the month, by the time I'm ready for my next donation, Bradley (other brother) will have turned 17 and he can go with me. Maybe I can even bring him when I go tomorrow so he can see what goes down at Hoxworth.

4. I've been taking iron supplements every night for a month or so, because last time I tried to donate my iron count was too low.

Two roadblocks:

1. Man I hate needles. I really really really hate needles. Let's just get this done already.

2. Once I couldn't donate because they couldn't find a vein. Must... chug... water!

Wish me luck! My appointment is at 4pm tomorrow.


WithaK said...

Bone marrow would be more philanthropic.

Or a kidney if you're hardcore.

Unknown said...

What makes it more philanthropic-- that it's harder to do, or that people need it more? I'm curious.

WithaK said...

Both really. Bone marrow is supposedly very painful to donate and the people who need it are generally in pretty dire straights. (not that people who need blood aren't, but leukemia is a bit more tragic than physical trauma or surgery)

Also it's my impression that it's harder to find matches for bone marrow; because it is more picky and there's not a lot of donors out there.