Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dry spell

I'm in a rut... already!

That's not really the case. I have a million ideas for things that I want to do during this year, but I lack the time and money to do many of them right now.

Again, not entirely true. I know that if I tried a little harder I could be making time for things like volunteering, and even going through my closet to find some items for the Salvation Army. But it's a very, very busy time at work... I typically get home, eat some dinner and hit the sack again. My weeks are very self-centered: how am I going to get all this work done? Am I spending enough time with project x versus project y? When is Erica time?

I tried a small gesture yesterday at work, but I feel like talking about it would cheapen it (and it was no big deal anyway). I definitely think about this project every single day, but I feel like at this point I only act on it when it's convenient.

I need a shakeup! Any ideas?

P.S. Tomorrow is Sunday, which means another huge box of paper to recycle at work. Dad says we don't even use a full roll of paper towels in a week now. We have a huge bag of cans to recycle, as soon as we find the facilities. At least something's getting done...


luckeyfrog said...

It's great to want to do so much, but you need 'you' time, too. I think having a year of philanthropy means thinking about it more, and making efforts when you can, and doing some slight lifestyle changes. I think you're doing all that, so don't be too upset with yourself!

My roommate did a sort of collection for charity where she basically didn't drink soda anywhere for a week, and then took the money that she would have spent on extra drinks and gave it to a charity that worked on getting drinkable water in a city in Africa. It was something that fit in with what she was doing, but it was still giving. Maybe something like that, even if you set the guidelines yourself, will allow you to feel like you're giving more without costing you any more than you might usually spend and without taking up too much time?

david b mclaughlin said...

I agree with the above.

Also-maybe set defined (though not limiting) and realistic goals. Like one philanthropic thing a week, or three a month or something like that. If something extra and do-able comes along knock yourself out.

But by setting realistic expectations you wont beat yourself up that you are not doing more.

Remember, one person cannot change the world-but one person can change the world for one person.