Saturday, January 5, 2008

Blood from a turnip

Today wasn't a complete success. Hoxworth beat the crap out of me.

Let's back up. I am a terrible blood donator (what's the word? Blogger keeps telling me "donator," "donater," and "donee" are wrong). Last time, my iron was too low. Before that, they couldn't find a vein (two occasions). Once, I passed out afterwards. For all my attempts, I've only successfully given blood twice, and one of those times ended up with me on the floor.

I'm not mentioning this for sympathy-- I'm bringing it up because maybe I'm not supposed to give blood?! Maybe I ought to leave it to stronger people?!

Today I ate a HUGE meal today (as in, considered changing to looser pants). Chugged water like there's no tomorrow. Went to Hoxworth and signed in... went through the whole finger-pricking ordeal (does not bother me in the least)... nurse couldn't find a vein in my left arm. (There are still bruises there from last time, but no luck.) But! She found one in the right arm. Hallelujah!

So, problem solved, right? Of course not. A few minutes in-- despite my squeezing and will power-- the nurse tells me she's not getting enough. I'm not sure how that works, honestly, but she wasn't getting enough blood from my arm. I squeeze more. I mentally force the blood into my arm. Nothing.

They bring scales over, and audibly count down as I'm drained. At this point the nurse is holding the needle in my arm in some strange position (I can't look) that hurts like hell. Finally they have to "call it" and take the needle out. They don't have enough for a transfusion, though they assure me that my blood will be put to good use for testing and stuff.

But I wanted to save liiiiiiives.

Yeah yeah, I'm sure testing stuff on my blood will indirectly save lives. Still, it felt like they were just trying to cheer me up, which I'm sure they were.

I've never left Hoxworth in gauze before. They gave me an ice pack and wrapped my arm really tight-- I peeked at home, and I have a bruise about the size of a quarter. Sexy.

Every time I "fail" I get mildly depressed about it. I recommit myself to be ready next time-- to drink MORE water... keep taking my iron... not travel to Africa? ;)


david b mclaughlin said...


I am a regular donor. DO not give up trying and your "failed" attempts really are used for good. I used to be a coordinator so I'm a real rah rah person for donating.

on a side note-in your zeal for philanthropy-which i applaud-be very careful for your safety with strangers. Years ago i pulled over to give a guy a jump on his battery. he pulled out a gun, stuck it to mu temple and tried to rob me. After taking my dollar he pulled the trigger. The gun jammed and he split.

Be very careful.

Krystan said...

I can't donate blood anymore because I have impossible veins and I'm "a clotter." As soon as they actually find one, it dries up and they have to pull the needle out and try again. So no matter what the outcome is, you should feel proud for giving something. They stopped calling me because they knew it was useless.

Unknown said...

@David: Oh my gosh. I am so sorry you had to go through that. That kind of thing is the source of my paranoia-- this just isn't the kind of world where you're encouraged to be a good Samaritan. But I felt safe(-ish) in this context, because I was at a popular gas station during the daytime, and I wasn't driving to my house or anything (as in, they couldn't follow me home). I try to be smart about it but I always wish I didn't have to be so fearful.

Also, thank you for the pep talk re: donating. And I have no idea why I couldn't think of the word "donor." Let's blame it on the lack of blood? ;)

@Krystan: I am really sorry to hear that. I'm looking into maybe volunteering for them sometime? There are other ways to support the blood drives and Hoxworth without giving blood. Still, I wish it were easier.

david b mclaughlin said...

re: safety-my incident was in broad daylight in a bowling alley parking lot with people around. he just kind of shielded the gun from the people behind us. the cops i talked to later think he just wanted drug money. i had no reason at all to be afraid prior.

so still-be careful.

Unknown said...

@David... great. I am perhaps more paranoid than ever. What is with this world?!

P.S. Again, I'm sorry you had to go through that and I'm glad you came out of it okay...