Monday, March 31, 2008

Earth Hour 2008 update

Thank you to everyone who supported Earth Hour 2008! (And, um, to a lesser extent... thanks to the people who sent me disparaging articles about how useless Earth Hour is. That's... awesome.)

I had planned on being at home on Saturday night, but I ended up driving to Columbus and spending time with friends. Those friends, however, were totally down the Earth Hour... they shut down all the computers in the house, all the lights and even their cell phones (we went a little nuts). We played Spades by candlelight for an hour and a half or so, before returning to our regularly scheduled energy-guzzling.

Thank you Jared, EricaB, Mark, Bradley and Bill (who was very confused when he came over around 8)... and to anyone who played along at home!


Ryan said...

Wasn't my intent to be "disparaging". I was merely providing another viewpoint, more facts from BOTH sides.

JenLo said...

I stumbled back upon you today through your old Church Hop blog. I suppose it would've helped me to add this url to my aggregator way back when I commented on your very first post, huh? Oh well, fixed now ;) Excuse me, I've got like, three months of old posts to read. I'll start now!

Krystan said...

So I'm an asshole and in my crazed Earth Hour state, haven't really read any blogs. I remembered to read your other one, but had forgotten about this one until today!
Thanks for not mentioning EH (that's what all the insiders call it ;D) on the one I read regularly.
But more importantly, thank you for supporting. And so Ryan knows, EH isn't just about turning the lights off for one hour -- it's about retraining ourselves to cut down on useless waste that's increasing the natural progression of global warming. It's about getting the problem into the forefront of people's minds to help spark dialogue and change.
Now I'm getting off my soap-box. Thanks again for your support. You and everyone else who participated. It made our firm look great and its for a great cause.