Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another stab, continued


I'm on top of the world right now. The blow by blow (kinda graphic if you don't like needles):

--Last night, drank water like it was my job. It was getting ridiculous-- I was peeing every 15 minutes. Also took my iron, like I do every night at dinner.
--Today, starting the water thing all over again. Had a huge lunch. And more water.
--During the Hoxworth screening process, the thing that screens your blood (after the needle prick) beeped and I thought it was going to reject me. The nurse tried it again and it was fine... she even complimented my iron count. Hell yes!
--Then the real panic buttons start, because it's time for them to find a vein. The guy checks both arms and doesn't seem too confident... when he finally settles on my left arm, the vein works out immediately.
--15 minutes later he said I was done! That's it! No hematoma, no less-than-full donation, no collapsed vein. DONE! Full donation!
--Cut to Girl Scout cookies and orange juice.

I can't tell you how good this feels, especially after last run's partial failure. Yea, Year of Philanthropy!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Sis is my hero of the day.