Monday, March 31, 2008

Earth Hour 2008 update

Thank you to everyone who supported Earth Hour 2008! (And, um, to a lesser extent... thanks to the people who sent me disparaging articles about how useless Earth Hour is. That's... awesome.)

I had planned on being at home on Saturday night, but I ended up driving to Columbus and spending time with friends. Those friends, however, were totally down the Earth Hour... they shut down all the computers in the house, all the lights and even their cell phones (we went a little nuts). We played Spades by candlelight for an hour and a half or so, before returning to our regularly scheduled energy-guzzling.

Thank you Jared, EricaB, Mark, Bradley and Bill (who was very confused when he came over around 8)... and to anyone who played along at home!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Earth Hour 2008

I've been amiss with my posts lately, which is unlike me, and I apologize. Things are just a little hectic right now!

But I've been "supporting thrift stores" like crazy lately... which is to say, doing a lot of thrift store shopping. Salvation Army is still my fave, but I hit up Goodwill from time to time, too. And as much as I like the eclectic stuff I come home with, I really do think about the difference it makes to reuse things... these clothes aren't being trashed, they're finding a new home with me. I'm also supporting good causes through both S.A. and Goodwill.

This weekend won't see the giant post I was hoping for, but I do want to at least put the word out about Earth Hour 2008. The basic gist: everyone turns out their lights for one hour (8-9pm) as a statement about climate change. I was introduced to the project through my friend Krystan, and I gave her my word that when March 31st rolled around, I'd shut off my lights proudly.

I'll be out of town, so my friends have agreed to have a "candle party" with me... which is great, because it has suddenly gone from 2 people (me + my brother) to 5 or more people involved with Earth Hour.

Anyone else on board? It's a very simple endeavor...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


If you're in Ohio (or Texas... or Vermont or Rhode Island...), vote today!

It's not philanthropy so much as civil liberty/responsibility. But that's kind of a buzzkill, isn't it?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another stab, continued


I'm on top of the world right now. The blow by blow (kinda graphic if you don't like needles):

--Last night, drank water like it was my job. It was getting ridiculous-- I was peeing every 15 minutes. Also took my iron, like I do every night at dinner.
--Today, starting the water thing all over again. Had a huge lunch. And more water.
--During the Hoxworth screening process, the thing that screens your blood (after the needle prick) beeped and I thought it was going to reject me. The nurse tried it again and it was fine... she even complimented my iron count. Hell yes!
--Then the real panic buttons start, because it's time for them to find a vein. The guy checks both arms and doesn't seem too confident... when he finally settles on my left arm, the vein works out immediately.
--15 minutes later he said I was done! That's it! No hematoma, no less-than-full donation, no collapsed vein. DONE! Full donation!
--Cut to Girl Scout cookies and orange juice.

I can't tell you how good this feels, especially after last run's partial failure. Yea, Year of Philanthropy!

Another stab

I'm on my way out the door to give blood. Can you believe it's been 8 weeks already since the last one?

I started chugging water yesterday, instead of waiting for this morning. (Last time that kept me from being able to give a full donation.) I drank so much water I wanted to yak, and I've kept it up since I woke up. I honestly can't see any difference in my arms... here's to hoping the nurses can find a vein this time.

I'm also up on my iron, so we should be good to go. Wish me luck.